Monday, January 2, 2012


I'm so sorry that it's been so long since I posted.  So much has been going on! 

My husband decided that almost everything on the to-do list needed to be done before we had company for Christmas.  Boy did that take a lot of time.  But on the plus side, the house looks really good!

Christmas dinner was a success!  We had Rosemary Scented Roast Pork Loin, Salad, Cranberry Casserole, Corn Pudding, Sweet Potato Casserole with Pecan Crumble, Yeast Rolls, Ambrosia, Red Velvet Cake, Chocolate Cheesecake and Fruit Cake.  I know!  I know!  Fruit Cake.  But my husband loves it so every 3 to 4 years I make one for him. 

Each year we send trays of cookies to our neighbors.  This year on the tray was Peanut Butter Delights, Peppermint Snowballs, Big Soft Ginger Cookies, Merry Cherry Fudge, Saucer-Sized Oatmeal Cookies and Haystacks.

So just as everything was calming down my Mom had chest pains and was rushed to the hospital by ambulance.  Almost all week last week I spent at the hospital.  She's doing better now and is at home.  We are still taking turns staying with her and my Dad because my Dad had a stroke a few years ago and needs some help also.

I know you really just want to know any stitching news and I do have some but no pictures.  I "finished" two ornaments that I has stitched earlier and stitched and finished two others that I gave to co-workers.  I did finish stitching Chilly's Gift (for myself) but I haven't "finished" it into an ornament yet.

I was all ready to place an order for some new stash but my husband asked me to hold off because he thought I would be getting some for Christmas.  So I waited.  And I did receive two new charts!  One is a Westie Kit
And the other is Lizzie Kate's Time For God

I haven't had a chance to start them, but I'm excited to have some new stash!

I hope everyone else had a great Christmas.  I can't wait to catch up with everyone.  I feel so far behind! 


  1. wow beautiful new charts..
    happy new year with happy stitching
    hugs cucki xx

  2. Hi Sherry!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! How's your mom doing?

    Charts look great, I can't wait to see you stitch them. :D

    LOL at Lilac and Poppy. That's awesome you've added them to your list. Any other charts I can help you out with? Mwa-hahaahahahaha!!!

  3. Lovely stitching! Glad to hear your mother is alright.
